Friday, July 11, 2014

Free From Suffering

I recently read an article on Yoga Journal, Ultimate Practice by Kate Holcombe.  She writes about how yoga takes us closer to our SELF and away from suffering.  Oh, I loved this article so much and it's funny how things always come when we need affirmation or a little clarity.  I've been recognizing myself in separate pieces, body, mind, spirit, heart, and ego; Holcombe talks about how yoga helps us recognize between the different parts of ourselves but the most important and steady part of us is our Self.

From this place of connection, you can observe your emotions and reactions and recognize them as separate from your true nature, valid and painful though they may be. This is the promise of yoga. And while the process of getting there may not be simple, the end result is easy to understand: We feel better. -K. Holcombe

Feeling is a part of healing.  We may not want to let ourselves feel pain but through the pain, and hardship, on the other side, we bring ourselves closer to our true Self. It feels like we are out of control of our life, that showing any kind of deep emotion is viewed as weak.  On the contrary, when we let ourselves feel, we are letting our Self exist without judgement.  It takes more strength to let ourselves be than try to control with our mind what we think we should be.  It takes so much more effort to try to convince ourselves of what we are not feeling rather than just feeling it. If we are constantly "controlling our emotions" we are hiding from ourselves, there's no growth there.  There must be a struggle for strength to come. If we push everything away, how will we ever become better human beings, blissful human beings?

In my practice of yoga, I've become physically more flexible, stronger and balanced but more significantly is the flexibility, strength and balance of my mind. In practicing physically, without trying, I've become more refined from within, and my body has also benefited.  The practice of yoga has helped me steady the undulations of my mind.  So when the outside world brings me troubles or hardships, I can move through these experiences with grace.  I am free from suffering.

If it sounds simple, it isn't...It's entirely another to practice consistently enough to actually experience it. But this is why we practice. -K. Holcombe

It really isn't simple and consistency is key.  It is extremely difficult to practice not being distracted by our mind, and the environment we are in. The society we live in throws so many things in our faces about what we should be doing, all these transient things that take us away from who we really are.  It kills me. It kills me to see our youth taking part in so many frivolous matters, distracting themselves from their true Self.  We keep our physical and mental body so busy that we don't have the time to hear our self.  It takes a lot of practice, and through practice and recognition of all our parts, we will bring ourselves to our true Self.

Some of this may sound crazy, very abstract, and silly to some of you but for those of you wanting and willing to be your better you, I commend you for stepping out of fear, moving forwards with uncertainty and towards your true Self.

Sending you all so much love and peace. 

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