Here's the original article, To Fall in Love with Anyone Do This.
Here's the set of questions, The 36 Questions that Lead to Love.
I have a funny story about this article/video. This video was sent to my inbox recently by TED talks though I've been asked the first few of these 36 love questions a while back and I didn't know it was part of a science project at the time. I thought it was a cute idea when it was proposed to me and I'm all for sharing in an honest and deep way. Maybe it didn't work out because we didn't get through all 36 or maybe it was because we didn't choose love when it got hard. Who knows. But what I do know about love is that when it's real, it lasts. And what I realize when I look back is that love is terrifying and I was terrified. And I hope to be more courageous the next time love comes around.
A few things that resonate with me from Catron's article and video:
Love didn’t happen to us. We’re in love because we each made the choice to be.
There are many times in a relationship we must choose love, to choose our partner every time and we hope that the other person will do the same, but all we can do is hope.
The moment you admit to loving someone, you admit to having a lot to lose.
This one is rough. You've let yourself be vulnerable, that's terrifying! It takes a lot of courage to admit to loving someone. You're putting yourself out there saying "Hey, I have all these feelings for you and I don't know if you feel the same way. I'm hoping you do too..." Then where do you go from there? What if s/he doesn't feel the same? What if s/he isn't ready? What if s/he has 2 babies and a crazy baby mama/daddy and lives with her/his uncle in a trap house? There's all kinds of craziness that could affect the outcome of your relationship but at least you had the courage to admit it. That's the beginning of it all, isn't it?
How do you stay in love when things get difficult and how do you know when to cut and run.
This one is tough for me because I try harder when things get difficult. I may stay longer and fight for people more than I should, I may be too patient. Maybe because I love really hard and when I commit myself to something I do so with earnestness and great dedication. I'm not sure yet, I'm still discovering. What I do know is it's hard sometimes and we make it what we choose to make it.How do you live with the doubt that creeps into every relationship. How do you live with your partner's doubt.
Every relationship has doubts that creep in. Everything I've ever done had doubts creep in but just like everything I've ever done, doubts do not serve me. I have to let doubts go. And so in everything I do, just like in love, I move forth with an open heart and good intention. Guruji B.K.S Iyengar said, "Nothing is achieved by a mind that doubts." So if we let those doubts in to our relationship, it won't work. But if we let it flow and grow organically, it has the better chance to flourish. I can only let go of mine, but my partner's doubt I have no control over. I don't think I could be with someone who had doubts, it feels a little cynical. What we believe, we manifest I like the idea of creating a myth, a fairy tale, a love story that's all our own. It's not going to be easy but I'm going to choose love every time. I could never betray my heart.
I've never shared so much about my love life before, it's a little scary though I can't be the only one out here a little terrified, a little unsure, a little worried about when he's going to show up and how it's all going to go down. I look forward to it though, as I'm learning about what it means to love and to be loved. Dear future husband, I look forward to loving you. We got this. =)