Brand says so many things that I believe with the depths of my spirit and that I do my best to practice in my life. I was so touched by his words, I was full on crying while watching it. I have a difficult time articulating my beliefs in to words and Brand does it so well. Here's the video, after are some thoughts that flowed to me while watching.
All I want to do is help others. I want to help others be their best self, their true self. But people are so afraid. People are so afraid to live their truest self, they rather live through society's terms and conditions. People are mislead by all the distractions in life: money, all the things it can buy, parties, lustful relationships, fame, all of these things are transient.
We are so distracted by everything in this world, we can't see ourselves. We can't even hear ourselves. We are constantly doing something, we are so afraid to sit in silence and hear our spirit call.
I practice yoga, and especially here in LA, people go to yoga all the time. It's an exercise people do, but for me practicing yoga is an integral part of how I live my life. It's really unfortunate that yoga classes in LA are so expensive and only people who can afford it can go to class. Brand says yoga and meditation is not a luxury, but it is to some, only because our society makes it to be so. Often times when people go to class, they're just going to class, they aren't experiencing true yoga. It takes all of our parts to do yoga, first the mind and body, then will come spirit.
We are all connected in this Universe, so why do we hate each other? Go to war? Compete? We are all connected and all deserve bliss. We all deserve love.
Love is the energy that holds this Universe together. All we seek as humans is to love and be loved, there is nothing more fulfilling than love. Love makes us feel alive. Real love-real tender, caring, compassionate love, without conditions.
Though we are all connected we have a sense of individuality. Our personality, our likes, our dislikes, where we live, the jobs we do but these things don't define who we are as humans. We are connected through spirit in being human. We all want love, bliss, compassion, understanding but we aren't willing to give it and sometimes we are so damaged by the experiences we've had that we don't think we deserve it.
This video makes me feel like I'm not alone. That with all the people that I spend my time with, I'm always a little off, like I'm on a different frequency but they love me anyways and I love all of you too. Brand's words make me believe that there are people on this earth to give, connect and love everyone here just like I'm here to do. That despite all of our damages, insecurities and self diagnosed issues, we are more than this and we are more than what we appear to be.
This also reaffirms that I am here to live my life through love, compassion and understanding. I know that I have a greater calling than being a costumer. Where, when, and how these things will manifest themselves, I don't know but I'm ready and willing to go with the flow of uncertainty.
Here's to all of you out there with the courage to live your best self, and if you're not ready, you're not ready. We'll be here to support you when you are.