Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Yoga of Union, Yoga of Diversity

I honor the place in you which is of truth, and I appreciate and love you for it!  Sometimes we forget, life gets a little hard.  I hope that you honor your light and each day brings you closer to your true essence. These things are hard to remember and even harder to practice, but that's why we practice. Sending you all so much love and peace.

P.S I took a workshop a few months ago lead by Kofi, it was the most spiritual practice I've ever experienced.

And here's a little something funny to go along with... UNITYYYY. ;)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Love Liberates-Maya Angelou

I write down a lot of quotes and things I find along my way, and Dr. Maya Angelou has written and said many great things.  I came across the video to a quote I had written down a while back "Love liberates, it does not hold-that's ego," and it reminded me of what love does, and how it acts.  Sharing this with you as it has touched my spirit in a deep way and as a little reminder on how we love.  
