Wednesday, October 23, 2013

C.S Lewis: To love at all is to be vulnerable

A friend shared this with me; I love it.  All the scary parts of love are so sweetly illustrated.
Wishing you all the courage to love. XO
Click here for the original link.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

John Legend's Love in the Future

I have been listening to John Legend's Love in the Future and Drake's NWTS lately. John's album is so freaking good, it is all love. Love love love. It has made me cry about 20 times. I just watched the All of Me video which stars John Legend and his beautiful wife Chrissy Tiegen (who I am madly in love with).  
This album makes my heart ache. <3 <3 Until next time, sending you all love and peace. XOXO

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Asian Art Museum SF

I recently visited the San Francisco Asian Art Museum with a friend, Kara, (here's her tumblr) and here are some of the things I saw...also, excuse my reflection in the pictures. =)

I forget where these came from, I believe Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asian Body Adornment

Necklace with Front Chest Piece
Buddhist diety, White Tara. 1400-1500

White Tara's  left hand dispells fear while right hand gestures gift granting. The eyes on her palms and feet show her mastery of the four doors of liberation through which she frees beings from misery.

Taoist ceremonial robe Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
Two puppies at play, 1200s Japanese. I rarely ever see puppies in Asian art but you all know how much I love pups so I had to share this one.

Here's me in front of City Hall, pretty building.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DIY: Screen for Front Door

The summer has brought so much heat and even though fall is here, it still gets really hot in LA, today it was 85*. I do not have a cooling system in my apartment so it is often hotter than outside.  I love having the windows and front door open but don't like that people can see into my apartment. We can't install any screen doors where I live so I decided to make a temporary screen door/ curtain for my front door.  I looked up some ideas online and here's what I came up with...

1. 2 1/2 yards Mesh fabric/ Netting,
Sunrid fabric from Ikea
     I got mine at Ikea.  The SunRid 59" in
     white.  It was only $0.99/yard!
2. Thread to match
3. Tension curtain rod
     I bought one at Target for $4.
4. Scissors
5. Measuring tape/yardstick
6. Sewing Machine

1.  Cut the fabric down the middle lengthwise.  This will be your opening to enter in and out.

2.  Now we have 2 pieces of fabric. Fold the top edge of fabric down 1", sew a straight line from width to width.  Do this for both pieces.

3.  Now there's a pocket for your rod to go through.  Put the rod through the pockets!

4. Now here you can either, measure the length of the door and cut the fabric to length OR do what I did, hang the rod with the fabric in the door way and see where it hits the ground and cut there!

5. Enjoy the breeze and the sunshine without worry of people seeing in your place and no buggies.

Options to add:
1. Sew/glue magnets to the edges of the fabric that meet down the center for more closure.

2. Add a tension rod on the bottom hem, this will create a taught screen.  (I was going to do this but my dog, Max would trip over it so I opted not.)
Pinning the fabric keeps it from moving and you can keep a straight line while sewing.
Cutting the fabric on a flat surface is easier, I did mine on the floor.
A look from the outside and from the inside.
